guilty father after divorce

Forgive Yourself After Divorce & Separation With Kids (3 Tips)

It’s normal to feel guilty after a divorce or break up, especially when kids are involved. There are three keys to letting go of this guilt. The first one is to understand that you’re not alone, that approximately 50 percent of children in the US experience divorce. There is no need to feel abnormal or guilty for being a divorced father. The second key to overcoming guilt is to realize that it is directly harming your presence as a parent. You need to practice “targeted thinking” and replace disempowering questions with empowering ones. The third key is to accept the past, knowing that you cannot change it, and to focus your energy on what you can control. It’s important to grant your ex their part of the responsibility for the divorce or breakup. If you follow these steps you can support your children in growing up and living a happy life.

Forgive Yourself After Divorce & Separation With Kids (3 Tips) Read More »